Insurance question

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ArboristSite Operative
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Maybe this question should be int he newbie thread, but I have been doing trreework for 3 years, and reently started climbing. People always ask about insurance. Obviosuly you need liability insurance for the damage that you potentially could do to the homeowners property. But, do you yourself (if you are self employed) need any additional insurance besides regular health insurance. I personally have no fear of climbing without inusrance but before I tell a customer I am not doing anythign illegal I need conformation. Keep in mind I dont do much side work, just a couple of jobs a month and am curious as to if I can continue legally.
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I keep a standard blue cross policy. I would look into workmen's comp if they covered me as the owner, they don't, and that is ridiculous. Make sure you don't do too much stress relieving before the physical, or get a whizinator. I tell people truthfully that I am not required to carry workmen's comp, that I do all my own climbing. And that I've never had a man injured on the job. For a long time I included the blue cross certificate on my forms with my liability and drivers license. This was especially appreciated on storm work, when people are extra suspicious.
I have liabilaty ins.
I tried to find ins that would cover me .B the only way I found to do tjis is to incorparait and list myself as a employee. have not done this yet.but my ins on workers is based on what thier pay is.
If you have good health insurance, why carry the workers comp on yourself? In Kansas, for an owner, the assign a fixed wage and base your rates off of that. Even if you had coverage on yourself, would you risk raising your rates for all employees by turing in your own injuries that you could cover with your health insurance. I have work comp policy to cover my employees, but I exclude myself, typical in Kansas.

I think in Kansas that if you have employees, you must provide worker's compensations. If so, you have an insurance certificate to give out as needed. The problem comes from an owner with no employees. No work comp required, but it is nice to have to show customers, plus if you hire any day labor, you are covered. In Kansas, there is a minimum work comp policy. Used to cost 750.00 an covered up to 6k (I think) in wages. At least around here, plan on getting at least a minimum policy if you plan on doing any commercial work.

you can't claim your self for work mans comp because if you get hurt, whos going to pay the wadges? It sure as hell wont be the insurance company because they make the company pay. So if you are the company, you better perform a miracle to pay the insureance to pay you pack what just went out of at least some of what you paid. Just get your basic health insurance and you liability. That should keep you covered for the mean while untill you have a full time crew.
Thillmaine said:
Maybe this question should be int he newbie thread, but I have been doing trreework for 3 years, and reently started climbing. People always ask about insurance. Obviosuly you need liability insurance for the damage that you potentially could do to the homeowners property. But, do you yourself (if you are self employed) need any additional insurance besides regular health insurance. I personally have no fear of climbing without inusrance but before I tell a customer I am not doing anythign illegal I need conformation. Keep in mind I dont do much side work, just a couple of jobs a month and am curious as to if I can continue legally.

You should also look into Disability Insurance. This would provide a benefit to you in the event that you were unable to work. Disability is the second most important coverage next to the health insurance.

Also make sure your health insurance will give you 24 hour coverage. Some companies will exclude coverage for some occupations. Buyer beware.
kellyinsurance said:
You should also look into Disability Insurance. This would provide a benefit to you in the event that you were unable to work. Disability is the second most important coverage next to the health insurance.

Also make sure your health insurance will give you 24 hour coverage. Some companies will exclude coverage for some occupations. Buyer beware.
nice one
Thillmaine said:
Maybe this question should be int he newbie thread, but I have been doing trreework for 3 years, and reently started climbing. People always ask about insurance. Obviosuly you need liability insurance for the damage that you potentially could do to the homeowners property. But, do you yourself (if you are self employed) need any additional insurance besides regular health insurance. I personally have no fear of climbing without inusrance but before I tell a customer I am not doing anythign illegal I need conformation. Keep in mind I dont do much side work, just a couple of jobs a month and am curious as to if I can continue legally.

Besides liability insurance, if you really want to be legal you probably need a local and possibly state business license for your area also.
Some states now require arborist to be registered as such before doing treework. Good luck with your side biz and be careful.
My insurance agent along with others have told me that for an employer to cover themselves on comp is foolish. They all said that you (as an employer) want to have a good health insurance policy, and also a good disability policy. The disability is cheap, the health isn't.

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