College is expensive, and will demand an enormous amount of your time. Are you planning to go full time or part time? How are you planning to pay for it?
And, it will likely only do you an ounce of good if you complete your degree.
If you have a way to pay tuition and keep yourself living, and you have the dedication to complete the course of study that interests you, then do it.
I went through a lot of school, but I had to so that I could have the career that I wanted. Frankly, it was hell, and I could have bought a very nice house for what I had to pay. But, to me, it was worth it.
You may want to look into what kind of income you can expect from having the degree and profession you want to get into. If you can't get the job you want, does the selected degree offer a plan B? Do those numbers make sense? Otherwise, if you're looking to run your own business, you may be better off taking some classes for your own enrichment from the local community college, but not necessarily pursuing a formal degree.
Generally speaking, I think people are better off for having gone through higher education programs, but it doesn't always make sense if, in the end, your investment in the degree isn't returned in a career.