Originally posted by Ax-man
The avator is OK, but it is just a matter of time before it will annoy me , like MB's eye or that punk kid he had up for awhile.
While were kinda of on this subject, John Stewarts for some reason annoys me, I don't why, it gets under my skin some days, there is nothing wrong with it, kinda funny really, when he first put it up I had to look twice and make sure it wasn't a picture of himself, Mrs. Ax-man came into the office one night and saw it and started cracking up, I told her it was John in person, she looked twice too, said we were all a bunch of screwed up misfits. Some days I think she is right.
Go ahead and keep it up BJ, when I can't take it anymore I'll let you know, how does that sound. It really gets bad with multiple posts on the same page.