What do you bill per crew hour?
If it saved you 1 hour per job used, how many jobs would it take to pay for it'self?
Do you have a "big saw" that gets used only a few hours a week? I've talked to seversal guys who won't by the GRCS based on price, but see nothing wrong with a 3120+36 in bar that is use on stumps 2-3 times a week at the most.
A block and winch will save you several hors per week, and make the intree work easier.
Picture a rig getting hung up where you have to down-climb to free it, then climb back up to continue. Using "The Winch", the gorund guys can crank it back up to free it.
You want to swing a piece over towards th block, but th angle is a little wide an the drop too far, The Winch can be used to pull the tip into the block as it hinges out.
You have a big job where you come down to break for lunch/water/potty whatever, the cam in the whinch spindle allws an easy belay to climb back up with some of your weight taken off your legs.
So many uses that makes things easier, and faster. One problem is that I often get ahead of the ground and need to stand in the spikes waiting for the rope back as they buck down the peice.