"Wow, the ISA sure goes from one extreme to the other. From holding their conferences in total like Baltimore and Detriot to Hawaii is quite a swing."
TCI is on a pretty tight rotation: Baltimore, Detroit, Columbus and just one or two others that are driveable for most of the usa. THese are all fun cities to visit; Columbus featured pro hockey, some great music and an awesome arboretum to visit. Baltimore features a harbor, with big boats to climb, I hear.
ISA goes all over the place. Going from Minneapolis to Honolulu will be quite a treat. The honolulu program is being worked on now; I hope they get outside for more than the ITCC. The Lyon Arboretum is nothing short of Amazing!
Koa you must live a high lifestyle if you thinks us mainlanders need $4350 for the trip. Saving $30/week will get you $2610, and that's if you stick it under your mattress and get no interest. That'll get you there if you scrimp. 4 to a suite makes rooming cheaper and is a good way to get to know your fellow treeguys, and cheap diners are a good way to know a town and its people.
i've crashed in the van before to afford conferences, but it's hard to drive to an island.