My ID section had crazy trees on it. All based on dodgy photos. By a miracle I passed. Everyone ID's trees in their own manner. I like to see the bark and one of the growth habit. I'm not crying just adding two cents. What is the ID section like for the Board certified Arborist? I'm interested in accruing the entire alphabet soup. ASCA, ISA BCMA, And also universal master wrecker. Anyone close to Marin or Sonoma that wants to work together? I love learning from others' techniques experience and gaining a greaterr perspective.
I took my test in Reno Nevada. My trees on my ID were like: Dawn Redwood, Eastern Redbud, Some juniper, Crab apple (malus) Honey Locust, Pacific Yew, and some moreit was taken close to two years ago. If you get a chance to see the ID before the bulk of the test, do it. Everyone in my test class waited til the end and since only 2 could approach the ID table at one time, it created a bit of a bottleneck effect with time running out.... Little stressy.