ISA Certs and CEU's

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ArboristSite Guru
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Worcester, MA
If I decide to pursue ISA certifications in other areas other then just a CA; what are the requirements for CEUs. Will I need to get separate CEUs for every Certification, or will my CA CEUs count for every certification I want to maintain. Is it possible for one set of CEUs to count for all the certifications the ISA now offers. The idea of becomeing Board certified, and a specialist in areas such as utilities and municipalities sounds good, but only if I don't need a million CEUs to keep those certifications.
diltree said:
If I decide to pursue ISA certifications in other areas other then just a CA; what are the requirements for CEUs. Will I need to get separate CEUs for every Certification, or will my CA CEUs count for every certification I want to maintain. Is it possible for one set of CEUs to count for all the certifications the ISA now offers. The idea of becomeing Board certified, and a specialist in areas such as utilities and municipalities sounds good, but only if I don't need a million CEUs to keep those certifications.
Don't need to get separate CEU for each additional certificate , just need to get more. CA needs 30 every 3 years, Muni-arborist needs 12 additional over the three years, etc. for utility and BCMA. Most CEU classes are good for all the different certificates, they will list the certificate they are good for on the class offering. I had over 60 CEU for my CA and when I added MUNI this year I was already covered in CEU for it. Good luck on the tests. :)
treeseer they are making it easier and easier. [/QUOTE said:
Easier and easier, that is why it deserves less and less respect. Nothing but a racket, confidence game. You get 30 CEUs for being in class for three hours, three freaking hours, awesome, ok to bs customers but what makes me cringe is these jokers actually train people to work around high voltage. Scary stuff.
clearance said:
You get 30 CEUs for being in class for three hours, three freaking hours, awesome,

clearance once again your irrational hatred of isa has bent your brain. they now award 30 ceu's for 3 SEMESTER hours. That is far more than 30 hours of seat time and requires actual work to pass the course.

I believe that is overrated for most courses, but some may merit 30 ceu's. My belief is based on taking a few dozen courses. What is your disrespect based on?
clearance said:
Easier and easier, that is why it deserves less and less respect. Nothing but a racket, confidence game. You get 30 CEUs for being in class for three hours, three freaking hours, awesome, ok to bs customers but what makes me cringe is these jokers actually train people to work around high voltage. Scary stuff.
yer not gonna get that many for three hrs oh and dont bs customers it aint ok OK
treeseer said:
clearance once again your irrational hatred of isa has bent your brain. they now award 30 ceu's for 3 SEMESTER hours. That is far more than 30 hours of seat time and requires actual work to pass the course.

I believe that is overrated for most courses, but some may merit 30 ceu's. My belief is based on taking a few dozen courses. What is your disrespect based on?
he's just a hating dude
Clearance is not a hating dude...I have read allot of his posts...hes a good guy and very knowledgeable, I think his problem with the ISA is mostly related with the utility specialist program.....And i agree with him, that certification is no justification to go and work near the wires, I think the ISA should require an apprenticeship with a certified, or qualified, and tenured Line Clearance tree trimmer.....The power lines are very dangerous a written test is not enough to prove you are ready to risk your life working around the wires.
diltree said:
Clearance is not a hating dude... a written test is not enough to prove you are ready to risk your life working around the wires. ]
I agree, no test is worth as much as handson experience to show technical ability. That test is about management, not technical work. (Same issue has been around foreever with the CA test: How do you design a test for field skill?) They are not testing skill to prune trees around wires; that's not what it's about:

"This certification is for professional arborists who are ISA Certified Arborists in good standing and have additional experience in the specialty area of tree care around power lines. The utility specialists work for utility companies, their contractors or consultants. One of the certification objectives is to provide the public and those in government with a means to identify those professionals who have demonstrated, through a professionally developed exam and education program, that they have a thorough knowledge of line clearance vegetation management."

The beef starts when a supervisor with a book cert works with a field arborist with experience and they don't communicate well. Lines get drawn, and shift, and get crossed. :bang: It happens.
It says, in the link provided by Treeseer, "three hours is 30 ceus, up from 10 ceus" says it right there under college. Anyways, even if it was 30 hours, fooling around in a classroom, so what? The explanation Treeseer puts forth about the ISA utility certification and potential conflicts is misleading to say the least. The ISA utility cert. is held up as qualification to actually do the WORK, it doesn't say ISA certified textbook hero, or ISA certified book learned utility guy. It says and gives people the idea that the person wearing this sticker on thier hat can actually do the work, safely. The quotation put forth is typical political BS, "thorough knowledge of line clearance vegetation management" Out of a book yet, awesome. Thanks for your understanding Diltree.
diltree said:
Clearance is not a hating dude...I have read allot of his posts...hes a good guy and very knowledgeable, I think his problem with the ISA is mostly related with the utility specialist program.....And i agree with him, that certification is no justification to go and work near the wires, I think the ISA should require an apprenticeship with a certified, or qualified, and tenured Line Clearance tree trimmer.....The power lines are very dangerous a written test is not enough to prove you are ready to risk your life working around the wires.
oh now i didnt say he was not a good dude he just hates footlocking body thrusting petzel helmets climbing without spikes anyone with an isa patch.... :clap:

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