jack it up

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Great book, BTW

Originally posted by TheTreeSpyder
Dent's "Proffessional Timber Felling"

I've seen that recomended before so I ordered a copy a couple of weeks back. It seems to be a very informative book, and a handy reference guide.

Almost got into a fight with my dad on his last visit, he was loading it up for his return back to Georgia. Guess he'll be getting a copy this Christmas. :)

Wait a second, this might work on Madsaw's "ya might be a redneck post" http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17581

If you ever got into a fight with your father over a book on timber felling..

Darn, was good, right up untill the word...book. :D
Originally posted by glens
The photo gallery over at http://www.madsens1.com/ has plenty of jack pics if my memory is working right.  Seems you'll want to opt to "view image" in the right-click stuff if you want to see them a bit better.  For some reason they opted to resize many of them via browser HTML directives and that usually doesn't work well at all.


Heya mate long time no hear?

hope things are going well for you..Great link, now thats more like it..The back pac has me thinking rural fire proctection ( they are gunna be bad this summer over here)..

If ya get the chance ( or mabey Jase) could ya give em a bell and get the prices on the two backpac models, we have a metting next month to dissus funding, hmmmmm...

And i got all the pics even though as you know i understood little of your post ..Well up to the &nbso; part..Cheers Derek..
They (as well as others) specify a size for the browser to display the images and often the size is not the size of the image.  So the browser complies and stretches or shrinks the image, causing a loss of quality and/or perspective.  The   is because HTML rendering collapses multiple spaces in the text which results in there not being two spaces following a period.  To me that looks completely wrong and idiotic, so I specify a non-collapsing extra space with the designated code for it.

There are other codes as well, among which are « («) » (») ¢ (¢) £ (£) ° (°)...

I've only had to jack a couple of trees and have just used my 20 ton bottle jack, in a manner akin to squinting just right without safety glasses while grinding metal.  I've used the remote-cylinder equipment in industry and can fully appreciate why it would be the better choice at the base of a tree.

I've talked with Jerry about jacking trees. Read the chapter in his book. Using a bottle jack from the trunk of your car isn't safe. The seals aren't strong enough nor is the ram. Sure, you could get by but what happens when things go pear shaped? Smash!

Using an automotive bottlejack is the same as using Home Depot rope for rigging.
