Happen to find a NOS Jonsered 2152 yesterday on the dreaded ebay, I am correct in thinking that the 2152 does not have a CAT muffler and the 2152C does come with the CAT?
I have been looking for a 2153 for a little while with no luck and figured the 2152 with a muffler mod would be close enough for me considering I have run a few 353's next to 346 and have not really noticed a huge difference.
I just wanted to make sure of the muffler, figured I would snatch up a NON-Cat if needed.
I have been looking for a 2153 for a little while with no luck and figured the 2152 with a muffler mod would be close enough for me considering I have run a few 353's next to 346 and have not really noticed a huge difference.
I just wanted to make sure of the muffler, figured I would snatch up a NON-Cat if needed.