jonsered 2165

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ArboristSite Operative
Jul 30, 2009
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Do any of you guys have a jonsered 2165? How do you like it? I was considering getting a stihl 361 but I'm just not willing to put out $629 for one. So, I thought I'd look at a jonsered.
I really like mine (both of them). If I could only keep one of my saws it would be the 2165. Great do it all saw, can run a 24" bar no problem in hardwood. And the price is right. I will most likely take some flak for this(from the Dolmar guys), but for me it was and is the most bang for your buck out there.:cheers:
I've got a 2165 and an 044, my buddy's got a 361. 2165 is heavier than a 361 but definitely out cuts it, weight and ballance are very close to the 044, but the 2165 has better antivibes. The 044 probably outcuts the 2165 by a bit but it's hard to tell the difference. I've said it before, I believe the 2165 is one of the best saw bargains out there.
I can't help but click on a thread that talks about the 365,or 2165, as I owned a jony 2165 for 4 hours.

Long story short, I returned my 445 Husky my awesome wife bought for me as a surprise, after doing some research, finding this site, decided I should spend a little more and get a pro saw. Went into our Local L&M Supply where my wife bought the 445 (this was during my lunch break, my work is about 2 blocks away) traded it for a shiny new 2165.

I thought about my purchase the rest of the work day and decided there is no way I need, or can justify a saw this big and expensive.After all I cut 12 cord up last year with my pos homelite, it was slow but it worked, Returned the 2165 after work for a Husky 359, saved about $120.

I really like my 359 but every time I run over there, for dog food or whatever at lunch time, that 2165 is sittin there teasin me, softly whispering,don't leave me, buy me, buy

Oh I think the price on the 2165 was $589, the 359 was $469 If I remember correctly, not sure, but in my relative newby opinion, either one alot of bang for the buck.

Basing my opinion on the 2165, only on the good things I've read about it here, I've never run one.
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I bought a 2165 about 4 years ago and really like it. Mine has a 24" bar and handles it fine.

I swapped an 029 for it and have no regrets...

I really like the air filtration system.

I paid about 550 for it, a hardnose bar and 2 chains.
I have owned both... I would rather have the 2165 if nothing else just so I can put the 2171 jug on it. Also tons of aftermarket and used parts for the 2165. I do like the 361 but would rather have the 2165 with 20" or larger wood..
Do any of you guys have a jonsered 2165? How do you like it? I was considering getting a stihl 361 but I'm just not willing to put out $629 for one. So, I thought I'd look at a jonsered.

I ponied up for the 2165 just like the link to the thread indicates.

For me in my area I was looking at about the same $ between 361 & the 2165. 2165 was just a bigger saw. I opted for the red one & I really don't have much experience to share. I've maybe got an hours worth of goofing off with the saw so far but I was smiling the whole time :cheers:
I bought one last year and have used it on a few trees that ranged from 24-28" at the butt end. The saw handled this size of tree just fine. I only have run a few tanks of gas through it so I think it will get better as time goes by.
Thanks for all the replies. I've been to a couple of stihl dealers and they acted like they were doing me a favor by going to their shop. So I went to a jonsered shop and L'll be picking up my new 2159 saturday. I likedthe way it felt and it was on sale for $499. If I need a bigger saw I still have my 044.