New Member
For all of you guys looking for a Jonsered 451e 451EV piston, I have found a replacement, there is a catch however. The piston I am referring to is the piston/rings from a Husqvarna 345/346 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/191483318983. Same bore, wrist pin diameter, locater pin location. Only difference is that the Husq piston is about 1/16” longer on the bottom side skirt. To determine how much I needed to take off I ran the wrist pin from my old piston through the new one and scribed a mark to the height it needed to be. I just sanded until they were equal and slapped it back together. Thought I’d throw this revelation in here as this lack of a piston has more than likely led to the demise of countless Jonsereds like it.