Jonsered cs 2150 ques

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Stihl 041 super said:
My friend has a jonsered cs 2150 and the guy who sold it to him said it has a turbocharger. My question is does it really have a turbo charger or was the guy lying. also he bought it brand new at a dealer.

This saw doesn't have a turbocharger. What it has is a "Turbo" air-filtration system. The same as Husky's Air-Injection just with a different name!
More likely the salesman was an idiot and didn't know that the Turbo described the air filtration and thought it was turbocharged.
Perhaps Jonsered should have advertised it as Ram Air if they were going to use a gimmick. How does "2150 Ram Air" sound.

Tell your friend to take it back and say the turbo charger bearings are bad and he wants a refund.
I think it was a bad move by Jred to name the air injection system "Turbo", as most people think of turbo charger when the see or hear that word.

If the person who stated that the saw had a turbo charger was a dealer, he either is a moron or a lier - that's for sure. :angry:

The saw should be a good one though, so there is really no reason not to keep it. I think he should confront the dealer with his bad info, though.
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May be the purchaser misunderstood and misinterpreted the salesman explanations.

Often in the excitement of the moment comments do not carry as they should.
I agree a sales person should know thier ins and outs of a product before pushing it but hey wouldn't it be awesome to have a turbo charged chainsaw (dreams are free)
Ross, there's a thread/some threads here somewhere that explains why turbo charging a chainsaw wouldn't do much good. I certainly don't have the mechtech experience or aptitude to explain it.

I'd have some fun with that salesperson; take the saw in and say the turbo charger is loose and rattling, and would he show me how to tighten it. Or something similar.
Knot Whole said:
....... I'd have some fun with that salesperson; take the saw in and say the turbo charger is loose and rattling, and would he show me how to tighten it. Or something similar.
Good idea!