just got my husky 350

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ArboristSite Member
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Well my husqvarna 350 came in the mail today so i oiled her up and went out to cut some, so far so good, shes a strong runner for not being broke in yet.

Is there anything i should do as far as break in stuff? or just go for it......
Just go for it. Use good quality two stroke oil at 32:1, keep the air filter clean and chain sharp. Keep the saw properly tuned and happy cutting. John
Im gonna run 1st gallon of husky oil that came with the saw, then im gonna run 32:1. i was looking at my job last night it looks like its gonna be a bigger pain than i thought, but i'll get her done, just do a little every day.

Oh yea it doesn't hurt anything to let the saw sit there and idle does it????? mine dies after a bit of idle on the ground while i'm cleaning up some wood or somthing.
You will need to find out why it dies after prolonged idling, is the carb too lean or too rich? The engine will loosen up a bit with use and this factor alone will make a big difference in how long your saw will sit and idle.

Nice going, they sound like a great saw!

I think its fairly standard procedure to do your break in then get a a retune. Common to be a bit out of fettle out of the box too. Check your plug and make sure its not runnng lean.
I checked the plug and it aint lean if anything id say its a tick rich, but i aint gonna complain about that. I turned the idle up which seems to be all the way and it helped alot. But i don't know something just dont seem right, idle up all the way the chain don't even budge.
does it accelerate smoothly? if not, I'd adjust the low setting a little leaner and lower the idle substantially.
yea it runs great........... For now im gonna leave it as is, i'll screw with it after i get some more time on it.....
it sound pretty good

I say give the low speed jet an eighth to a quarter of a twist in and see what that does to your idle speed and acceleration if it has no affect let the board know and I'm sure someone will be able to point you in the right direction. you may also want to check to make sure that the nuts holding the carb on are snug and equally torqued, however with a brand new saw more than likely you just need to tweak the carb a little. As far as I'm concerned you should be able to start the saw and have it idle until it runs out of gas, not that you would want to but it should be able to.
