Tordon RTU (ready to use) is no longer available in my area, but an identical product is Pathway. I use Tordon 22k to make my own RTU product, it saves about 50%.
Tordon K is a concentrated form used for spraying on woody vegetation. It is about $90/gal, and a quart can kill all the woody vegetation on an acre. Probably not what you want to buy.
When you guys want to look up a chemical, go here for labels and MSDS's:
Put "Tordon" in the search phrase, and you will get a number of different formulations. Download the label and learn about it.
A number of folks were concerned about the health aspects of the product. Acording to the MSDS, it is pretty mild stuff, as herbicides go. Not discounting all the precautionary notes, the active ingredient has a lower lethal dose than aspirin, and has no specific skin or eye hazard comments other than "may cause irritation". The most toxic (to humans) ingredient seems to the ethylene glycol: some of you might recognize that as antifreeze, a truly lethal (but common) chemical.
A cautionary note here guys: if you are not licensed to use ANY herbicide, it can be HUGE fines for not following the rules. It's not even legal for you to go to Walmart, buy a squirt bottle of Roundup, and charge your sister-in-law $5.00 to spray the weeds on the patio. The laws are very specific, at least in Mo. & Ks.
So unless you are willing to risk a huge fine, just call somebody like me to come do the job for you. That, or go get the license. It's not that hard to do.
If anybody wants to know more about tordon, krenite, garlon, or a whole bunch of other chemicals, just ask me. PM or public. I know a little bit about trees, I know a LOT about pesticides.