I've installed high-end grounding systems - also had the opportunity to see both post-strike results and a time-lapse photo of lightning utilizing the system.
Heritage trees at many sites are protected - it's not a cheap system and some home owners who caretake high-value trees opt for it - the largest trees seemingly attract the most strikes and somehow, after watching that video, I have to admit it seems as though the system attracted the strikes. Either way, it routed the current effectively both up out of the earth, and down into it. Some burn occured that resulted in replacement of some copper elements.
I will say that one tree sustaining multiple strikes survived and doubt highly it would've - if not having the system. Installation is similar to high-end lighting - lots of hardware in a pouch and wrestling with cable. Another tree however, had burn runs underneath the cable, leading me to believe the lightning was a bit more potent than common strikes. Don't offer a guarantee on the tree's future.