The town guy who wanted to know why I couldn't "chop it down" from the base....also "revealed" the low bid was a "couple hundred bucks". He said the firewood would more than justify two hundred.
Told him the wood was actively diseased - anyone selling it would be written about in the local paper. I'd see to it. In fact, the demise of the tree will be covered by the local paper - as a failure of expensive useless standard treatments.
Wish I could post a pic - imagine this:
65 foot canopy spread over a 26foot corridor, two homes under 2/3rds of it, a trunk line running inside and underneath the remaining 1/3rd. Phone and cable too under that. Irrigation system up to the base, and statuary in circumfrance at the trunk.
Yes, it had been "Alamoed", three times, as per A&M protocols. The largest victim of failed treatment and wilt disease in town so far. The operator who pushed the treatments has failed to return all phone calls. The poor fellow remembers something said about a "guarantee" it would live. Good luck, fool. International Society of Arborculture membership in big green stickers.
Sick of chemical promises, sicker of people who believe what's nothing more than P/R slick ad campaigns - just like the war.