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Be aware of advertising hype.  do your own math for timing. same with tonnage.    Sure you can use a big pump and 1/2" lines  to make faster,  but the cost is high heat from fluid friction which is the bane of hydraulics. Boils down to how fast you fill and empty the cylinder.   3/4" ports all around . 3/4 inch internal line and Hi flow connectors 3/4' of course course there are larger diameter components around also, bigger is better but begets more $$$ up front.  I run twin 4 X6 ' schedule 40 rectangular tubes welded together all around ( thats apx 1/4" thick walls) so that gives me a 1/2" or so rib down the center line.  At 30 tons and a real ball buster of a round, I still can see the beam flex just a smidgen.  Processors generally have limit on size say 10-12" dia. of the rounds, like anything else they are built to a price point.
