I agree with you on this point, just don't think that's what StihltheOne is talking about. I don't recall anyone saying that split rounds take less room than the original round, in fact, evryone agreed with that. What was said is that 13 cords of logs delivered will always boil down to less than 13 cords when split and stacked.
You are comparing the volume of one round to the volume of one round split and stacked and I agree that the splits will take up more room. BUT if you compare a delivered cord or more of logs to the split product you will find that the split stuff takes up less room because there are less air gaps in the split and stacked than in the original log cords. You just can't pack a cord of logs as tightly as a cord of split wood. Keep in mind that we are talking 8' logs, not bucked stove lengths.
if i take a round that fits into a bucket, split it, i can't get all the split wood back into teh bucket.
if i take a half cord of rounds, and split them, then restack, the pile will "grow" and be bigger.
if I take a cord of rounds, split them, then restack, the pile will grow and be bigger.
if i take 13 cords of 8 foot logs, buck them up, split them, i will have more then 13 cords of split wood.
if i take 60 cords of 50 foot logs, buck them up, split them, i will have more tehn 60 cords of split firewood to sell.
the more you split the wood, the more it grows.
the bigger the logs were to begin with, the more it grows.