Oil in Carb:
Hello to all. Oldsaw-addict, I don't put oil in the carb itself. What I was referring to was getting oil into the crankcase by putting some oil through the carb, to be drawn past the reedvalves as the saw was cranked over by hand, so that the brgs and seals were well lubricated. The only oil that gets inside the carb itself is from the fuel. I run a 32/1 mix of MX2T with Fuel stabil added to it and for storage I just idle the saw dry of fuel , set the choke and crank her over to get as much fuel out ot the carb as possible. I would imagine that a person could take and disconnect the fuel line to the carb and spray some WD-40 into the carb passage ways. I've stored saws for over a year, just by running them dry and making sure the crankcase and upper cylinder areas are well coated with oil and store in a dry well ventilated area. on a shelf. I've seen oil (jell up, get thick) in the oil tanks of some of these old saws, so wouldn't think I'd want to put oil inside a carb itself, maybe a spray of WD-40. OK, talk later. Lewis Brander.