Look at this!!!!

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Certified Arborist
Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
These are the trees in front of the Winn Dixie I pass everyday. I saw the guy doing the work on my way home last week. He had a farm tractor with a Mexican balancing on the bucket (I have nothing against the nationality, just what I noticed) with a Stihl Chainsaw, looked to be about a 20 inch blade. The guy running the tractor looked like everyone's mental image of a fat redneck (nothing against rednecks either, that's most of my family). He was even wearing overalls.
Anyhow, he did a great job. Aren't those Bradford Pears? Too weak for Hurricane Land to start with, then this.
If anyone knows how to post those so they can be seen in the thread I wouldn't mind at all. Thanks
I used to do work at this new corporate park where the owner of the property decided when doing the planting to put a row of apple trees in a 10' wide space which was framed by parked cars and a stockade fence. EVERY year he'd have to do just what you are showing in those pics. They'd still scratch up cars, and get their branches busted up when they lost to a car or snow plow.
In reference to the pear pictures, there are towns all over the country that have or are in the process that these trees are in the middle stage. The nursery finds a tree that matures real quick. Bcs of that they can sell them cheaper than other higher quality trees. Because of the price and quick grow they are planted in abundance. They fall apart bcs of canopy overload on weak wood and co doms. They are topped. They look so ugly esp in off season they are soon all cut down and a bad taste is had by all- the public, who financed them, the nursery who sold them, the landscaper who planted them, and us who are first directed to top them and then after bad public image for making them ugly, we get to put them out of their misery, and appear to dislike trees.
Actually,that wasn't a very good job at all...The cuts looked kind of sloppy,and rounding trees over is never a good thing..Bradford pears like a weight reduction about every two years,and they can be beautiful trees if properly maintained..But topping them is bad.
Here are 3 of the pics, resized:



I'd be horrified if those were anything but bradford pears.

I prefer a 3" base prune myself. Those things are starting to invade the woods, and right of ways now. Pretty soon our forests will be nothing but Norway maple and bradford pear!
Sorry, that is Terrible!!!

Stubs were left on the cuts lower on the trunk, and the cuts in the canopy were made indescriminately with no effort to taper the branches to a lateral capable of taking over the lead or of restoring any sort of overall shape. Those cuts in the canopy will flush out all over and compound the problem in no time.
The 'scaffold' is made of codominant stems with included bark, an inherent weakness. unless an effort is made to select and thin the canopy properly, they will remain ugly and get progressively worse.
That work should have been done with a Silky and secateurs, and maybe a 192t for bigger branches... 20" bar???....hack.
I just want to be sure everyone knows I was being sarcastic when I said he did a great job. Those trees are a bigger problem for this coming Hurricane season than they were the day the landscaper lost his mind and planted them. They should not be around here.
I just want to be sure everyone knows I was being sarcastic when I said he did a great job. Those trees are a bigger problem for this coming Hurricane season than they were the day the landscaper lost his mind and planted them. They should not be around here.

I didn't catch it...But I was hoping you weren't serious.....I know a guy who's been logging all of his life,and he's always refered to the guide bar as the blade,so I really didn't pay that too much attention.
What do you mean a "3 inch base prune?"


Pruning just high enough for the stump grinder access!!!! :buttkick:
Sarcastic way of saying cut it down!

Polingspig, I'm glad you qualified your statement that you were being sarcastic when you said it was a good job!!!! The subtlety of your humour got lost in cyberspace!:)
Pruning just high enough for the stump grinder access!!!! :buttkick:
Sarcastic way of saying cut it down!

Polingspig, I'm glad you qualified your statement that you were being sarcastic when you said it was a good job!!!! The subtlety of your humour got lost in cyberspace!:)

I like that,, three inch base cut!!! LOL.....
I just want to be sure everyone knows I was being sarcastic when I said he did a great job.

I'd like to say I did appreciate the humor. Between the bland statement, redneck, and not-pc ethnic observations, I thought it was funny as soon as I saw the pictures. Looks like someone said cut the trees - and, lo and behold, the trees were cut.
Ok, so blade isn't the most appropriate term, that doesn't prove ignorance of the subject matter. What about referring to an SUV as a truck? An extension cord gets the name drop cord on just about every construction site around here. Excavators are called track hoes. Scrapers are called pans. We could go to military double nomenclature: Chainsaw, gas powered, 20 inch bar and chain. Have you ever referred to a human child as a kid? There are better ways to test knowledge than whether or not a person uses the term you would prefer to hear.
I will also be sure to tell everyone when I am trying to be funny. I've been told I am not very good with comedy anyway.
Take it easy man-was just joshing you a bit. Was not trying to cast any doubts on your experience as a treeman at all. Just struck me as funny to hear you talk about a saw with a blade. And was just kind of curious if this is common in other parts of the country. Around here i've never heard the expression drop cord. Sorry dude.
I am having trouble expressing myself correctly with this keyboard. I was not offended or upset by the blade comment. I just had thoughts about the premise. I will work on making myself clear.
Its OK polingspig!!!!!!
I am guilty of taking things too literally, I often miss the intended humour!
As for blades/bars, just about everyone here calls them blades, you can get three years in pokey for carrying a 'bladed article' without reason over here, so my excuse is, its a bar not a blade!! (oh and I do have reasons for the machetes, bow and arrow, etc that are in my truck... really officer!):biggrinbounce2: