Yeah, there was a thread a while back on hear with some meathead saying that women didn't have the gorilla power to be good climbers. I couldn't disagree more. Its all about knowledge!! I can't even remember how many big burly groundies have asked me to teach them to climb. My response every time; "OK, no problem. Learn to tie all these knots, hithes and bends and when you can I will get you off the ground" the list: Blake's hitch, prussik hitch, vt hitch, distill hitch, girth hitch, clove hitch, munter hitch, timber hitch, cow hitch, figure 8, bowline, running bowline, double bowline, alpine butterfly, fisherman's, double fisherman's, double overhand, overhand on a bight, 8 on a bight, and a sheet bend. Not one of those big fellas ever approached me about it again.