I can't speak for the Lopi Republic, but I can tell you that I think my Lopi Answer is awesome. I did a lot of research on wood stoves and installation before buying and decided that since I live in a small energy efficient home that I wanted a small stove. The Answer is not big but it will easily heat my house up to 80 degrees even in the coldest part of winter (in Central MD). I liked it so much that I bought a Lopi Patriot for a small addition on the far side of my home, and I'm looking forward to hooking it up here in the next few weeks. I bought both stoves used off of Craigslist. They are built like tanks compared to a lot of other ones. I think I paid $250 for my Answer and $150 for the Patriot. Good luck with yours. If the Republic is as good as the Answer and Patriot, I'm sure you'll be happy. Remember, 90% of your success will depend on proper installation, venting, draw etc...