Can you take your study guide with you when you take the test?Does the test pretty much cover the entire guide?
Can you take your study guide with you when you take the test?Does the test pretty much cover the entire guide?
Nope, you can not take the study guide.
Hopefully you know more than the study guide teaches before taking the test.
Here in Louisiana, you have to be State licensed to do any tree work. Louisiana doesn't accept an ISA certification. Just a week or so after Isaac in the Parish I live in officials began booting out of town tree guys. Good if you live here. Not good if your out of state.
You can not bring the book. I took the test last year and it was hand written. My test had maybe 4 or 5 questions on Tree Biology. Examples; cambium, xylem, phloem-know their location in the trunk and what they do. As far as tree identification maybe two questions. Simple stuff, I don't think it is hard like the ISA. I haven't taken ISA yet but hope to before the end of this year. PM me if you have anymore questions.
I was nervous too. Don't sweat it man! Just study hard and give it your best. I wrote definitions of words several times to help me remember. That really helps me. Practice quizes too. Do all of those. You do that and you will be fine.
You can not bring the book. I took the test last year and it was hand written. My test had maybe 4 or 5 questions on Tree Biology. Examples; cambium, xylem, phloem-know their location in the trunk and what they do. As far as tree identification maybe two questions. Simple stuff, I don't think it is hard like the ISA. I haven't taken ISA yet but hope to before the end of this year. PM me if you have anymore questions.