Thank you VERY MUCH, for the reply.
I'm looking at a hudson homesteader 21".
But, I'd MUCH, rather buy the lumberlite 26. I tried to purchase a lumberlite 24, Demonstration model, that Norwood was clearing out about 1 month or so, ago. I kept calling and they said it was there. So, I was waiting for norwood in New York to get back to me on a taking it apart and shipping it to me. But, I was finaly, called back and told it was gone. I'm assuming someone came in off the street and saved them repackaging it
That machine was PERFECT, for me
Only weighed about 550#'s.
Yep sure can with the right gear.
I guess I could use an engine hoist to load it onto my trailer.
But, my trailer has about a 950# weight limit and the car only has a 1000# tow capacity.
That 800#'s is pushing it.
Especialy if I have to bring a 250# engine hoist with me also, to take the head on and off the trailer and onto the tracks.
I'm going to drive this car into the ground, just like I did my chevy Pickup.
My car is 15 years old, but it might be around for a few more years. Then I'll be buying a pickup truck again!
I only drive a car 3 or 4,000 miles a year. So it's hard to justify buying a new one.
Basically two men can easiy move the track assembly around and so long as the mill head isn't going into the back of a pickup I can move it about on my shoulders if need be.
If the head weigh's 400#'s, you're much more powerful man than I.
I could MAYBE, muscle 250#'s around but that's about it!
Whats a HOA? and whats a Saturn?[/QUOTE]
HOA, is home owners association, they have lots of rules on what you can do on and with you're property.
I don't like the rules, but love the house and location. I ride a bike to work EVER DAY, only 3/4 a mile away!
And I payed almost 1/3 of what the house was selling for, 4 years ago. Couldn't pass it up, even with the crappy RULES.
I actualy purchased a logosol big mill system about 18 months ago. I was planning on using it to just break down logs enough to cut up on my 14" bandsaw.
But, was looking at the housing market that kept falling in my area and decided it was time to upgrade housing. I tried to purchase a few places on acerage, but kept missing out. I ended up buying in a HOA, because of the price.
I figure the value of the house has gone up 75k, in less than a year. No exageration.
But, there will be NO sawmill used here
I'll have to store the mill in a small 2 car garage along with my folding trailer, and take the mill to a buddies place to use it!!
A saturn, is a "compact", General Motor's car. No longer in production. They went out of business.
Great car. I call it my mini pickup
I worked this car harder than most city guys with f250's.
I built a 14' x 20' workshop. Everything came back with this car and trailer, lumber, Cement, shingles.
I even took 4,500#'s of angle iron and 3" x 4" tubing to the scrap yard with it, 4 trips, when I moved.
The Norwood is realy the machine, I'd rather have, but the WEIGHT, is realy pushing it. I would think this would be
a lifetime machine. That's the kind of tools I try to buy.
The hudson only weigh's about 450#. which makes it easy for a one man show. But, I question if it is realy a lifetime tool!
Decision, Decisions?
Thank you again.
Dave S.