"Mistakes were made. I am interested in correcting the mistakes and moving forward and making sure they don't happen again," answered Sullivan.
"Mistakes were made. We never intended to get caught. I am interested in shutting you up quickly so this will all blow over, and making sure I don't get fired or prosecuted.," answered Sullivan.
I watched the video and only saw a continuation of the frustration of MA. taxpayers with our lawmakers. I'm pretty sure their negative slant was only directed at logging on state owned land. They wouldn't have made a big thing out of it had it been the first time. I guess you'd have to live in this hellhole to fully understand how bad it really is.I can sympathize with the family, and it truly sounds like the state has it's head up it's wazoo, but the TV station sure puts a slant on it to make logging sound evil. I wish there was still such a thing as a REPORTER, and not all opinion givers..
Be it enacted by the People, and by their authority as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 2B of Chapter 132A of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following sentence, “Commercial harvesting of wood products shall be prohibited on all forested lands owned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.”
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