Mac carb kit

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 31, 2005
Reaction score
saskatchewan Canada
I hope someone can help me find a carb kit and air filter for 1-53 I do not know the brand of carb but the #s on it are 58856 if that helps?
I think its a Mac carb, built by McCulloch. the kit you seek, is practically impossible to find.
I bought three metering side kits of Ebay they were incorrectly labeled as bullfrog carby parts but they fit the Mac Carby and the BDC carby, i got a supply of BDC Diaphrams and duckbill valves all for future use on my race saws.

Just got to know where to look thats all.

Mc Bob.
Well got the saw running not to bad but not that good.MacDaddy I have to give you a call on a carb kit. Still looking for a air filter though?

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