Yes, I am referring to a 3:1 pulley arrangement. I figure I will be using it a lot for tensioning the line but not always.
My concerns with knots is that they will weaken the line. That's why I was thinking of a burried splice for an eye.
Haven't looked at cams. Wouldn't they also weaken the line by concentrating the stress? My guess is this may be more of an issue with amsteel than other types of line.
Perhaps I should just put an eye on the end of the line and use a seperate short line for the Z-rig. That would maintain strength and give me some flexibility in setup...
First, why amsteel?
It's expensive, it doesn't wear very well with friction, it doesn't do terribly well with knots, and most importantly for the application, it doesn't stretch.
In a Z rig, that stretch is your friend....once the Z is tensioned, the stretch will keep pulling as the tree starts to come over.
You'll also need your midline anchor at a different point pretty much every time you set up, which either means knots or prussics....I'd avoid the rope grabs for this app.
For versatility, prussics provide the most adjustability, and as mentioned, you have no sharp bends in the pull line.
Z rig pieces...
150' (or more) half inch or better arborist rope (with some stretch)
sling and block for main anchor.
prussic, biner, and pulley for midline anchor.
sling, biner, and prussic for permanent capture of pull (can be clipped to main anchor sling, but I prefer to use a second one)
and it's handy to have one more biner and prussic to lock off the main line and re-adjust your midline anchor if needed.
When you look at the forces produced, between the leverage of the distance from the hinge to the tie in point in the tree, and the 3-1 MA, you can create a HUGE amount of force at the hinge with a couple guys pulling with a regular 6k rope.