maybe it's just me

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
hello all, maybe it's just me. if so, fine. i can deal with it. i personally fail to see the humor in purposely/repeatedly posting as someone else, or under multiple usernames. i like a good joke/prank as well as the next guy, but this seems like a kids game to me. i'm glad to see those who do, or did, admit it, if thats who they really are. already people are wondering who is who. i can imagine if i was a newcomer looking for good advice, and nobody believed i was who i said i was. i'd be outa here right quick. i would hope everyone can see what confusion this type of activity causes, especially in the uncertain times we are living in. this is a great forum, i would hate to see it degenerate to that level. C'MON GUYS. STAND UP AND ACT LIKE YA GOTTA PAIR!
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A while ago someone asked if people would post with their real name instaed of screen names. When the time comes to meet face to face there is one less name to try to remember.

I agree. I have a hard enough time keeping track when the person I'm responding to has one personality. :)
I agree. Let's just keep it straight and honest. I find it much more enjoyable than the doubletalk.
Sometimes we all need to get silly, and some of those who've been around a while and built relationships are just, well, joking around.

That's the tough part, though. If you or I went to the local watering hole and saw a couple of good ol' boys in mid-guffaw over a shared joke, we'd maybe smile, and not get too excited about it. This is everybody's place I guess, and we all probably need to keep it to a dull roar, but I'd hate to lose out on all the good humor.

Maybe we need to have a "boys will be boys" forum.
I haven't seen anything in the posting guidelines that addresses this so I paid no attention to it. If it is a real concern, a moderator can be contacted. I trust that he would act in the best interests of the site.
I've been known to post under a few different nom de plumes myself and actually see no real harm in it, as long as no one is offended. If they have been, I meant no harm. This is the way I am and the way I have fun. My name is Doug Babcock and if you want my address and phone number just send me a PM and I'll give them to you. Those who have met or corresponded with me know when I'm serious and when I'm not and that's all I have to say about it.
