McC sp125 + pocket bike = ??????

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ArboristSite Operative
Jan 3, 2005
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north west oregon
i just had to see if it would fit.

and guess watt it looks like it might now i just need a kart clutch and an exhaust header and i might have it together soon but i don't know if i got what it takes to ride it. :dizzy:
I got a guy with a clutch for a reasonable price. ( around $75 ) Let me know, I also have a ton of direct drive sprockets if you don't mind a push start. The direct drive will eliminate alot of expensive headaches.
I got what it takes to ride it. I'm buildin a super 44 powered goped. The engine is at klickitatsackett's shop now being souped up. Later Jared
Oh yeah exhaust headers are available too.

Dave Wait [[email protected]]

I hope I was a help.
I got into saws after looking into a cheap powerful big cube two stroker. Look at me now, buildin a hotsaw!
that is going to be one scary fast pocketbike! id run 32:1 in it and crank it up to somewhere around 9K RPM.. just dont get a speeding ticket! LOL

and one very very major thing.. WEAR A HELMET!
i am working slowly on a push scouter with a 60cc pioneer saw as the engine could be sketchy with the little wheels
i will post when i am done
the mac motor idea has gotten pigeon holed for now because i am getting the original motor for it but i still think it would be a blast to ride and a challenge to the sthil 090 powered trike i saw posted on the web some ware.
You obviously haven't ridden it with the original motor. I hope you weigh no more than 125 lbs. They are 40cc dogs!

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