Mini Mac 6 inquiries

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Sep 29, 2012
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Central Indiana
Knowing about my chainsaw 'issues' a very nice lady who works with my wife talked to her about a chainsaw she has. It was her father's who is now deceased, he was the original owner. She said she remembers him teaching her how to use it back in the 80's and even showing her how to mix the fuel and sharpen the chain. She has apparently had the saw for quite awhile and not long ago paid someone $75 to 'get it running'. By get it running, it will do that, but it smokes like a damn fog machine! She asked if I'd take a look at it and see if I could find the reason for the smoke and also see if there is anyone who might be interested in it. Truthfully, I'm not sure she's ready to let go of it yet, but I told her that unfortunately it probably isn't worth what she paid to get it running, but she assured me it isn't about the money.

When my wife told me about it she only knew it was an "old McCulloch". You all know what it's like, and my mind started to wander wildly about what sort of an old logging monster my wife might be bringing home (in her Prius!). Today she brought it home. I laughed hysterically when I saw this little fella. It's the greatest little chainsaw I've ever seen!

Anyway, now that story time is out of the way I have a couple of questions. First, I don't know anything about the construction of these saws; is the smoking likely due to an internal seal/gasket issue and bar oil is getting into the crankcase, or is it likely just a carb adjustment problem? I did start the saw and run it for a minute or so, but I didn't want to adjust anything or do much before getting some feedback. Second, is it a safe assumption that if she ends up wanting to part with the saw there are MiniMac enthusiasts out there and I could comfortably tell her I could find this saw a home where it will be cleaned and proudly displayed on a shelf somewhere it will truly be appreciated? I don't mean that as a joke, I think it would mean a lot to her if I could (honestly) tell her a collector would like to get it.

For the record, this isn't a fishing for an offer thread. At the moment I don't know exactly what she wants and/or is ready to do. I'm just trying to find out what I can about this micro-saw so I can report back to her.


The smoking could be the result of excess residue in the crankcase, too much oil in the mix, tuned too rich or just a characteristic of the saw. I had a Homelite XL and Super 2 that smoked no matter what.
The mini--macs aren't too highly respected around these parts. I've never had one myself and have passed up opportunities to own them.
"Honey, I shrunk the saw!"

I was given a later version, more plastic, as assorted stuff in a box. Recycled it in the same box. Microsurgeons are expensive.
The smoking could be the result of excess residue in the crankcase, too much oil in the mix, tuned too rich or just a characteristic of the saw. I had a Homelite XL and Super 2 that smoked no matter what.
The mini--macs aren't too highly respected around these parts. I've never had one myself and have passed up opportunities to own them.

The fuel mix is correct and the carb is adjusted where I believe it should be, but I can't say that for sure as I haven't found any factory specs on the saw. I'll dig in a little deeper. It certainly behaves likes it's running freakishly rich...

I had a feeling it might not be a saw many would be looking for to add to a collection. Being a Stihl guy I don't know much about McCullochs, but I was afraid it might be the 015L of the yellow & black family. I was just hoping to be able to tell her something more than to just chuck it...
To me, the bar and case are worth more than the saw. Then again, I vowed never to work on another one...

Is there an easy way to hook up that throttle linkage and stuff it back in the box? Admittedly, I am not the shiniest penny in the jar......but I have had several of these apart and it took some blue language to get them back together.

To the OP, it may not be valuable, but you have a rare find...a minimac that runs. Once together I think they are cool little saws. They can be stuffed behind the seat of your truck or on the rack of your quad. Mine are pretty much shelf dwarfs, but I start them and let them snarl every now and then. The housing seems to gather a tone of crap; bar oil, fuel. Is that what is smoking off when running? If you take it apart to clean or change fuel lines, have some time set asisde to reassemble.