more power out of Stihl 310?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Nov 10, 2002
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I've got a stihl 310 and a 018c. How can I get more power out of them without doing drastic changes?
Welcome to the Site!!! and to answer your question under forum search enter "muffler mods" and read the threads. what i'm am telling you is that modifing the muffler should give you about a 10% increase in power:angel:
Is it too late to return either one? Mufflers mods will help, but neither of those saws is know for any great power.
big, you should have bought an 036 and an 026 if you wanted more power with less weight... if ya' wanna play ya' gotta pay!!!!:D

Open up the muffler. You will see small holes at the outlet. At least double the size of them. Pull the limiter screws and open them up slightly until the saw makes full power in the cut. A loop of sharp RS chain will improve things also. DO NOT increase the saw motor speed, the crank may not be happy.
some times they are stuck together pretty well, i find that if i tap around the joint gently with the back of a screw driver that it will then seperate alot of the time:angel: