slayer - it was insurance work (we've paid them more then they've paid us haha), and no it wasn't gouging after all the rentals and running around, we made good money on it don't get me wrong but it was a justified price.
Deevo - it was a 45 footer wasn't nearly tall enough but it was the only one we could find on such short notice, it comes with a trailer and no i didnt run it up from madoc haha, im based out of etobicoke now just havnt changed my porfile info,
treeman - the norway wasnt that much it was a back yard tree with a a new concrete drive way next to it, with a hell of a tight squeeze to get everything set up, im thinking years of neglect and root damage but thats my just my op and for the most part Im no consulting arb, the house was fine more or less one 2 inch hole in the roof and a little bit of bent eves