The muffler mod is the place to start. The next step is to watch for a good 310 or 390 piston and cylinder on eBay.....or <<an affordable used 310 or 390 for the needed parts. I don't know of anyone porting a 290/310/390.....but I suppose it could be done. There is no way to alter the squish on the clamshell engines as the cylinder is part of the crankcase and the cylinder can't be lowered.>>
Raising the top of the piston would increase compression without otherwise altering port timing. Unfortunately, no parts supplier is going to market a "kit" piston on which the dome needs adjusting.
<<I have never understood whey the people that make an aftermarket piston and cylinder kit for the 290/310/390 engine chose to make it in the 290size....if they had made it for the 390 it would be a quick way to upgrade your 290/310>>
agreed, the larger bore of the 390 would be the way to go
<<Although I am a big fan of Stihl.....I have never felt that the extra $ 200 they charge for the 390 over the 290 is justified when all that is changed is the size of the bore. It can't cost them more than a few dollars to make a bigger hole in the cylinder and a bit bigger piston to fit in that larger hole.