MS 361 Muff Mod done.

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 23, 2005
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I just finished the 3 hole muffler mod and it sure sounds meaner. I know sound can make a person believe they have more power and I have yet to put it to wood. Now my question is... before the mod my H adjustment was all the way against the rich side of the stop and now I am just off of this same spot. Should the mod have made me need more fuel on top or less? I am thinking I would need more fuel but at full throttle out of the wood with the normal tune the motor lunged (kinda surged). Dropping the mixture just a little let her rev out more but still not insanely. Help guys as I don't wanna explain why I smoked a $600 saw just to try to make it better.

Also my oiler adjustment screw is very hard to turn... is this normal? :Eye:
For what its worth; I had the identical results with my MS361. And the factory limit stops did not allow me to open the "H" more. That's why I started a thread on removing MS361 Limit Stops, you can look it up and read the replys I got. Seems Stihl makes a tool for removing these; and, you can buy one from your local Stihl dealer. Then you can adjust the "H" jet until you get that 4 stroke sound mentioned in the reply above.