MS440 Question?

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ArboristSite Operative
Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
hey I am looking at purchasing a used ms440 and was wondering is the compression release a big deal on these saws I have owned a pre compression release version before and did not see a problem when did they start adding the release to them year wise. and also what are sume websites where I can look at wrap style handle bars? THanks again
I just got a my first comp.release saw a month ago and it too was a MS 440. Mine has a ported muff. and the carb has been tuned but other than that it's stock. I bought it new and with about 3 gal of fuel through it it starts too easy to be believed.

1- compression release on , choke on, one pull and release "pops"
2-pull once or twice with choke on and it will briefly start then stop
3-flip to "fast run" pull once and it starts every time!
4-down to "run" for a short warm-up , then go !

If it don't start on 3 or 4 pulls then I'm checking the gas or the plug because somethings wrong!

It's "nice" but not essential. It wll pay dividends in the long haul with starter ropes, recoil parts, snapped fingers etc...