That's a sweet looking little cabin.
Please humor a Canadian non-hunter though... Exactly what is the purpose of a fixed-location "hunting cabin"? I keep seeing/hearing you American hunters talk about and show pictures of these things, but it's a completely foreign concept to me. Do you guys just build these out in the sticks on public land, or what? Or do many of you own big acreages of essentially wilderness forest that you mainly just use for hunting? Up here probably 98% of all hunting is done on public Crown land, and since we aren't allowed to build structures on undeeded public land (except for traplines and mining claims), a lot of folks usually go daytrip hunting down the logging and ranch roads. Of course it helps that we only have to drive maybe half an hour from town to get into fairly empty wilderness. If people DO go out on extended trips, they usually throw the camper on the truck and set up a small camp for a few days with a couple buddies. You see these all over the backcountry around here in the off-season - random poles and tarps set up between trees in the middle of nowhere to hang deer & moose from, with a nearby firepit etc. The only people I know of who actually hunt on land that they themselves own are the ranchers (who own hundreds if not thousands of acres) and the Natives, many of whom also hunt anywhere and anytime they damn well please with no regard to limits and seasons and with little consequence.
Not knocking it, I've just never heard of guys here going hunting and staying in a cabin in one spot for days at a time, much less going back to the same spot year after year. I guess it's just a different way of doing things. Like the Germans I've talked to who come over here to hunt and fish - they have no concept of public land to begin with; it amazes them that we can just grab a boat and throw it into pretty much any lake we like and go fishing. Back home everything is privately owned.