I Can Finally Help You Guys!!!
Finally, after all the info i have recieved from you guys i can give some back!. I worked for and still do consult for the Forestry Department in Va. Here is the ticket if you want to make GOOD money and still do gravy storm work.
Most all states are now recieving federal monies for storm work to lower wildfire fuel loads after large storms or events that cause severe tree mortality (bark beetle, tip moth) outbreaks. The key to this is, getting your name on the state lists PRIOR to the storms. In 95% of the cases all you need to do is pay a small processing fee, usually $50, and show a proof of insurance and a business license. From this point on, you will be contacted whenever there is clean up to be done and the monies, as per written in the federal guidelines, is paid upon 30 days of completion of work.
I hope this helps you guys out some, let me know if i can help somemore