In Hawaii they have Christmas tree chipping for 2 weekends after Christmas. The organization that started this thing asked the different tree companies to donate their time. I participated a couple of years, but then told them forget it. Hard on my chipper, paid a groundman a day's pay, used up a lot of fuel and only got a "Thank you." No drinks or food provided, no recognition, nothing. The newspaper only wrote about how great an idea this person had to start this thing. The ones who actually were doing the chipping and all the work weren't even mentioned. The first year a news crew came out to take some video and although my truck and chipper were shown, they were careful to not film the company name on the truck. (I now do not have my company name on my trucks and equipment) Christmas trees are not easy to chip. A lot of chippers cannot handle them on a steady basis. We were chipping over 500 trees each day. The Promark 400 I had ate them up. The Morbark M17 choked on them (discharge chute clogged constantly)