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Money is money and it ain't free. Hell yes go after it. Or did you marry their daughter in that case let it go.
tough one

Really depends on the whole picture. How close of family/friend, how much was the total job, are they hurting for the money, ect. $175 to me isn't worth the headache to be honest. But your case may differ.
As my wife says, " I don't care who they are friend or otherwise, it is Tree work Not Free work!". It is hard to argue that, but I still have a heart for those who cannot swing it. I have been waiting for $350 from a woman whose husband dropped dead on his boat for nearly four months. They had it then, but she doesn't now. Good luck in your pursuit.
Unless their paying you would put them out on the street, then by all means collect! They have no right to abuse the relationship like that.... nail 'em....
getting paid

ok first of all you should have told them the payment is due when the job is done. if the money is not in your hand right now-- you need to find out when they are going to pay you... (be nice... but firm and to the point). if they say they need a little more time... fine give it to them.. but you need to know exactly WHEN your getting paid... you got bills like everyone, and you put money into getting the job done for them.... some people just assume they have 30 days to pay the bill by mail. different companies have a range of policies on this payment subject. BE CLEAR from the get go and make sure they GET IT. when you bid a job you look them right in the eye and tell them payment is due upon receipt (look for acknowledgement). when you get more experience you will be able to SMELL a stink'in liar a mile away. 175 bucks is a lot of steak and milk... GET YOUR $
Sounds awkward. Were the price and payment terms made clear before the job? Was there a contract or written proposal? Was the job performed satisfactorily?

If you are just patiently waiting for them and haven't mentioned anything since the end of the job they may have just forgotten. OR perhaps they are taking advantage of you since you are a family friend.

Send them another invoice.

I never have qualms about people's excuses for not paying. I buy my bread by working in trees and if someone agrees to pay me a certain amount and I do a satisfactory job, there is no excuse. It's their obligation. Plus the fact that if they have the financial ability to own a home worth hundreds of thousands they should have the means to pay for a couple hundred dollar tree job.

That said, there is a single Mom who owes me about $400 from nearly a year ago (she paid for part of the job but couldn't afford the whole thing at the time). I left a number of messages since then but eventually gave up.
The job went over the estimated price, but it says right on the form that this may happen. I've changed my form to say that payment is due in full after the job is done. I've called them once, but they haven't called back. I understand that times are tight, but I have a family to support to. If they couldn't afford the job, they shouldn't have hired me. I also did a walk through when it was done, and they said they were happy with the work.
If you gave them an Estimate you could get away with an after charge or more at the end of the job. If you gave them a Quote however, you can kiss that couple extra bucks goodbye. I don't mean to step on your toes, but this has happened to me in the past as well. You get that feeling when you pull up to the job that you didn't price it high enough. Best case scenario; remind them of the balance and if they disagree meet them half way and cut your losses. Best of luck.
It says right on the form that its an estimate only. This was one of those jobs that turned into the job from hell, so I'm just happy that its over. I also got two jobs from neighbors out of it,

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