Neighbor Cut Down a Tree on My Property

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Your kinda being hard on the neghibor a little bit yes he was wrong for cutting it in the first place but he did provide the tree you wanted. I would have taken that and wrote it off.
In my city in the back yards away I can cut any overhanging branches from neghibors trees without any notice given.
Yeah, I'm well aware of tree warranties - but I also know that a lot of people don't, as you say, have five grand to spend on anything. Always good to have a reminder that what we're used to isn't how it is everywhere.

Thank you the information. I was unaware of such a thing, but I do live in rural Alabama where a lot of people do not have $5000 to spent on anything.
Why he had to cut it down in the first place may just be that he's one of those people who can't stand to have trees without a specific purpose around. It's sufficiently common that he may not really have a reason per se - just that everything is neater, nothing to block the view, "gee I don't know, I just like everything cleaned up".

Some people just can't stand to have anything growing that isn't being controlled. My FIL cut all the lower limbs off one of the two lindens my late husband planted for me... looked awful, limbs are growing back, but will never be the same. I have no clue why, other than that it didn't look "controlled". This whole area seems to prize everything in order, neat lines, geometrically arranged, larger to smaller, etc. Anything not strongly under human control has to go, or be pruned up perfectly symmetrically.
Ha Ha, kinda sounds like MONK. lol
Well, the saga continues. I find it somewhat comical that the OP wrote a book about his grievance with a neighbor over a tree. Created a lot of discussion, bantering, suggestions, and some cases a pissing contest between posters. HE LEFT. HE HAS NOT RESPONDED TO ANYTHING! PERIOD! What a waste of time. jmho :cool: OT
Ha Ha, kinda sounds like MONK. lol
Actually, it does. :D

A friend of mine used to tell about being out for a walk with his wife, when they'd lived in town, and walking past a house a few doors down from theirs, that they'd always noticed was OCD tidy, and seeing the husband measuring the height of... the grass, or some flowering plant or something - with a ruler, and very sternly informing his wife that she'd done it wrong.

Must have been a joy to live with, and not much better to live next door to...
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