Has anyone tried any of Buccaneer ropes products? I am pleasantly surprised at the number of options that are available to us at present. Considering the relative smallness of our industry I have to wonder if some of these ropes are being marketed in other ways for other industries. I'm glad that we have so many choices but I hope that some of the "newbies aren't going to lose their shirts!
I would like to have a glow in the dark climbing rope. Nothing wrong with climbing at night,would be a blast,hummm, if the wind was blowing now,hell, why not,,,i'll take the camera.
John that was 3/4" circumference(1/4" Diameter). They list it as available in 1/2" diameter-7700lb ABS. So it could be used as climbing line. Give it to the new guy when you are working a long /late day. Tell him that when his line starts glowing, he better get out of that tree!
bucaneer rope is not bad. my boss has a shorter one that is the green and yellow one(i don't know if the colors make a diff w/ buc ropes or not). low stretch and lightweight are big bonuses. when it was new cover liked something fierce, but when we got that worked out very happy w/ it.
Having said that, the new samsom 16 strand lines are great for not milking like they advertise, but wow are they tougher to splice!
Bucc makes the same rope with several of the major NFL colors flecked in. A couple of us were at their booth a few years ago and were joking about the green and yellow Packer rope. "Hey this will sell good in WI!" The rep said "Packer rope" his eyes got big and the next year some other colors came on the market.
I've used their line quite a bit. My primary 120' line is the green/yellow "Packer rope." It splices well, too. I also have a 300 foot Viking rope, and a 150' Patriot rope. Those last two are un-used, so let me know if you want a new flipline!!!! (JPS, you mentioned you wanted another one, right?)
You all can talk about fancy colors, but as the Fly has proven, size is what matters. How many professional climbers do you know who don't climb on the Fly? Not too many. What rope makers should be doing is to figure out how to make the thin rope more durable. How about a 16 strand 11mm rope, instead of a kernmantle?
I can hardly bear to bring out old fat climbing line. And what about lanyard line? The Fly is great for that. I've been hooked on thin lanyards for over five years. Now how do we seperate our two ropes? Hey, back to the fancy colors, maybe we can die the fly.
Stable braid in a 5/16" size might work, hey JP?