I was looking for something in the 2015 Oregon Forestry and OEP Catalog (available on line on the Oregon 'Professional' web site: http://www.oregonproducts.com/pro/pro_home.htm under the 'Products' tab), and was surprised to see a big change in their grinder line up!
* I have no information on any of these, other than what is in that catalog. *
- The hydraulic grinder looks similar, and is now called the 620;
- The 'flagship' (my term) / industry standard 511AX is being replaced by the 520 *with a retro (again, my term) style vise, though, still labeled as 'self centering', but losing the ability to grind 3/4 pitch chain without an adaptor/accessory;
- The 510 has been replaced by the 410, with a very different base casting;
- The small, bench mount, 310 grinder has a format similar to some of the 'Harbor Freight' style grinders (hopefully better quality?)!
Verrrrry Interesting! (Arte Johnson's term!)
* I have no information on any of these, other than what is in that catalog. *
- The hydraulic grinder looks similar, and is now called the 620;
- The 'flagship' (my term) / industry standard 511AX is being replaced by the 520 *with a retro (again, my term) style vise, though, still labeled as 'self centering', but losing the ability to grind 3/4 pitch chain without an adaptor/accessory;
- The 510 has been replaced by the 410, with a very different base casting;
- The small, bench mount, 310 grinder has a format similar to some of the 'Harbor Freight' style grinders (hopefully better quality?)!
Verrrrry Interesting! (Arte Johnson's term!)