That capacitor stored charge deal for the ignition looks cool
Don't know, didn't know other saws had that sort of rig. I am ignorant of that. Just was reading on their website.I didn't look it up, just wondering...because the coils that everything use for ignition is a is this one different?
actually a coil is a transformer, don't know the voltages in a saw but in a car it changes the 12-14 volts of the charging system to 40.000 to 50,000 volts for the spark plugs. A capacitor stores electrical energy until it's needed.I didn't look it up, just wondering...because the coils that everything use for ignition is a is this one different?
Had a 14x80 mother in-law suite set there for about 6 years. Just got rid of it about a month ago. Had a hardship variance that allowed it for her till she passed. Don't have a pad, got a bunch of 2ft pillings that it set on. Wanted a pad but "code" wouldn't allow it. Thinking maybe a skid building on them in the future, already got utilities there. The pad that I'm working on (21x25) was there to park vehicles. Makes for a nice woodlot.Congrats. Maybe one of these days I'll get a Dolmar, but I'm planning on the next one being an Echo. Rather impressed with those saws.
What's that in the background? Looks like a meter panel (and concrete pad) for an RV.
Dolmar calls it MPI - Memory Power ignition. It's all part of their Easy Start System. Spring assist and hotter initial spark supposed to make starting easier and I think it does.I d
Don't know, didn't know other saws had that sort of rig. I am ignorant of that. Just was reading on their website.
I didn't look it up, just wondering...because the coils that everything use for ignition is a is this one different?
Correct. The 32 thru 6100 have it. The smaller the saw the better it works which may be why they stopped at the 6100. Once the saw has been run the capacitor stores energy so that all that is needed is a light, gentle pull of the rope will start it. On the 32 it is almost impossible to pull the rope and it not start once you have had it running.Dolmar calls it MPI - Memory Power ignition. It's all part of their Easy Start System. Spring assist and hotter initial spark supposed to make starting easier and I think it does.