NY State Maple Tree Problems?

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r218pete said:
1st of August and a large number of Sugar Maples are having their leaves dry up and die, What's up?

I'm 2 hrs west of you, a lot of my maples have some sort of white fungus on their bark but no leaf loss yet.

I would Love to see some pics of these maples.......you NY arborists have any ideas of what the problem may be.....I hope it doesn't't spread to MA, Maples are awesome shade trees, I especially Love the Crimson King, one of my favorite trees
I'm noticing a quite a few in my area too. I cut down another today. Mostly smaller Sugar Maples (under 18") and then also large sections of mature trees browning up too.
A couple of these have had some other problems which sped up their decline (girdling roots, mulch volcanoes, construction damage), but I think they have all had Sugar Maple Borers.
There are many large Sugars falling victim to Verticillium wilt in the northeast.

The other pathogen mentioned, white sap rot, can be an aggressive form of decay fungi and can lead to breakage. It gets into wounds and can be vectored in by a wood wasp.
I am familiar with vercilium wilt...but not whit sap rot....could someone elaborate on that please....are there any ways to treat the problem......how do others go about treating vercilium wilt as well???
those Japanese beetles are can be pretty nasty..........but can be dealt with by spraying or injections....boston Bull...what company are you with on the North Shore....I use too go up there frequently
I made the assumption that what CNYC described was Cerrena unicolor, common to Sugar Maples. It is an oppotunistic fungus, and though it would be fine to think it could be prevented by denying a foothold, that is probably impossible in most cases.

Vert is a game of prevention, not treatment. Do not allow Maples to become drought stressed, as it is a precursor to infection by the fungus.

If you find a dead maple which was drowning in water, then the water molds like phytopthora and maybe pythium may be suspected.
ozy365 said:
Been awful dry in CNY and a boat load of caterpillars....saw a guy raking leaves today.

Even certain places in CNY are much worse than others. Camden, NY and north of there were just crawling with caterpillars. Less than an hour east in Remsen we do not have much of a problem with them. Go figure. Probably just depends on where the thunderstorms have been hitting.