Going to post alot of pictures. Quite a few trees dying. Mosly White Oak, but a few postoak, a dogwood...
About 5 years ago there was a large(12"?) sewer pipe put in, and then theres plenty(too much IMO) of roof rainwater runoff. There was immediate tree mortality from the countys underground septic water system. There was compaction and a few trees damaged at the root flare, causing stress/ decline...some effected slower than others do doubt.
This spring the owner said many of her trees started to leaf out and failed to do so completely. many look dead.
While I believe I saw a few borer exit holes, cicada damage, hypoxlon fungis, etc..trying to fininsh off trees already losing the battle, a main issue I have is with this "Oakleaf Tatter". Never seen it before. Only chemical that the homeowner said had been put down is weed n feed from menards, and it was put out per label on the entire yard, not just where the trees are showing leaf chemical damage.
Could this be from a sewer leak?
Looking for some thoughts and input.