? of morality

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
alexandria, VA
back from my 3 month vacation due to herniated disk and 1 of our 1st jobs today was ground to sky clearance on 2 white oaks. client wants them dead but lives in reston where all tree work must be approved by association. only dead/high risk trees are removed, so our salesman had us intentionally scalp them to achieve clients wish. i despise doing work like that but after 3 mnths of 0 income in need the $. i've refused to do jobs before(topping)and have come out of trees without being able to make a single heading cut. i am against such tree abuse. my certification is used as a marketing tool to sell work and use the isa insignia to better our image to clients. im getting very frustrated and am close to my wits end. any others with similar situations?
Update the resume and see what other offerings there are?

You know the ettics of your employer, they don't fit yours. What else can you do. One of a number of reasosn I left the last large company I worked for.
Why not have this discussion with your employer. Gather feedback here and set up a time to explain how the work is creating a conflict with your arbo morality. You can do this without sounding like you're speaking from a high horse.

You don't sound happy with your position, your company using YOUR ISA cert to bolster it's sales and not sticking to ethics really sucks... besides giving themselves a bad wrap, they are doing you a diservice by pulling you into it... perhaps you have tried to educate you sales rep, with little success, maybe you should push to do sales or consults with clients, see what sort of work you can bring in, a 'competition' of sorts with the immoral... that not working, post your resume... everybody worth their weight seems to be looking these days...


Tom sounds nicer
I truly enjoy my job. Ilove nothing better then working on a live oak and turning it into a work of art. I strain and stretch that extra little bit to make that good cut - no dog ears if I can help it. I fix bad cuts by previous climbers. I get that little bit of extra dead out. From that moment on, every time I drive by that tree, I'll look at it and see how it's doing. I've trees that I've worked on like that from the '70s, some 2 and 3 times. Waycool.

I also enjoy td, especially the huge ones that nobody else has the nuts for, or desire. The bigger, the better. 40 ton cranes, no cranes, it's all good. Just gimme sharp saws n strong ropes, and get ready to chip.

I usually don't have a say in the job I'm contracted to do, I'm just the hired gun. Sometimes I can talk the customer onto doing what should be done, as opposed to what they thought should be done - cool. More times than not, I do what the TS co. asks me to do which, in turn, is what the customer hired them for.

Yesterday I took down 5 large, beautiful cypress trees for no other reason other than the customer didn't like them. Pretty phucken stupid in my book. I suppose I could have called the customer out and attempted to explain to them the error of their ways, they might have agreed, and everybody would have gone home. The groundies might have liked that, and some of the sanctimonious purists here would applaud that; However, I don't think I would be working as an Independant Climber very long employing that tactic.

Do I lose sleep over other people's lunacies? No. If I don't work, I don't pay my bills. I do the best I can, whenever I can, and thats good enough for me.

Ok2climb, if you can afford to walk off a job because of high tree moral standards, more power to ya.

But if your like most people, ya gotta eats.
Maybe its time to move on?

If you're interested in moving to Florida, I'm looking for a full-time climber. Excellent pay, full benefits, paid holidays and vacation, the works.

A great opportunity for the right person. :blob2:
I find myself doing a few unethical pruning practices to trees down here in Atlanta. Atlanta also has tree ordinance where the tree has to be hazardous/dead before it can be removed. So last week we did'nt get the permit from the city to remove 3 bradford pears so the client and sales man both wanted to hack the s@#t out of all 3 of them. And thats what I had to do.I should have taken some pictures, it was a thing of beauty. I could tell a few other crazy stories but I do want to bash the company I work for to much. The MAN maybe watching.
Yesssss, Preciousssss, you must cuts the nasty trees down! Poor Smeagol must eatsss too, young Master. Smeagol chips up the nasty trees to pay for fish, he really does.

Great reply. After all, how would things have turned out if Frodo had not done what was right even if it cost him dearly. If Gandalf hadn't taken on the Balrog?

We all know what happened to Gollum in the end...Don't spoil the story for the sheltered few who haven't read LOTR :)


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