I sent the seller an email last night. I really did not think they would respond but they did. I have included my email to them and their response. I am not sure if this is legal or moral so if I have broken any laws or rules by doing this then someone please pull my post. I believe the seller simply got out of hand. I do not think they are trying to be dishonest. If you consider they have probably never ran a saw before, then the little saw probably does seem powerful to them. I guess if the stores are no longer selling them than that could make people think they are rare. The local Ford dealer no longer sells 1980 F-150 4X4's but they are not rare. Well come to think of it they are rare because most rusted in two within a few years. Hey anyone want to give me $500 for one ? Back to the topic at hand, the seller will probably get $50 for the saw. Here is their response follwed by my original email to them.
Hello Bill,
Well I had won this chainsaw in an auction and had never had the need to use it. A friend of mine wanted to use it one day and its been sitting in my garage for a while. He told me it was rare because he went to purchase one and the clerk told him that they didn't sell them anymore where he was at and the clerk also
told him it was a rare edition. That is why I stated that. However I will admit my buy it now price is a bit higher than it should be. If it makes any diffrence, the reserve price is somewhat low. Sorry if this is a problem for you. It was not my intent to upset anyone. Thank you for your e-mail Bill. Have
a nice day!
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:06:43
bgorham72 wrote:
>I am just wondering what makes this saw so rare and so powerful. I will have to check the next time I am into the store but I believe they are still some in
stock for $90.