New Member
Hello. We have an old (75?) white oak in our front yard. December 2019 power co dug around it to take out a power pole. 10 months later, fall 2020, the sewer co absolutely shredded about 1/3 of roots when the cut through entire pavement and into yard to replace a main sewer component near our driveway. Since that time we've learned more about our many old trees and upon seeing signs (epicorms/aerial roots) proliferating, we're pretty sure the tree is in significant distress and likely will not recover from such significant root damage. Are we correct to make the call to take it down this year, ahead of storm season (South Carolina)? Having factual evidence of the damage done is hard to ignore. Input on to take down or not, and concerns about the stability in the meantime, please respond. We treated the tree with root hormones and had dead weight removed over winter. We are having same arborist return to evaluate leafing out, but would like other professional opinions. Thank you.