A few years ago I traded a strong running Olympyk 261 to a good friend for an Olympyk 480. I always wanted an 80 cc saw. The known and confessed problem with the 480 was that a Gremlin, a washer from a hand guard fastener, secretly got into the intake when my friend decided remove and repaint the top cover. He knew immediately the Gremlin was present when he started the saw. It did its dirty work very quickly; quicker than the saw could be shut off. I've included some photos to enhance this story. First of the Gremlin washer. Second of its landing and riding spots on the intake side of the piston. Third of the chrome it chipped off the bottom of the intake port. Fourth of the damage it inflicted to the exhaust side of the piston and lastly its gouge to cylinder wall above the exhaust port. The Gremlin left a trail behind that is a perfect example of the flow pattern in two stroke. This story has a happy ending. I had found a used OEM cylinder and piston on ebay that were in good condition. I finally got time this weekend to install them along with fresh crankcase seals. Compression tested to 162. Pressure and vacuum tests were solid. Saw started on the third pull. It idles nicely at about 2500. It will max out at 11000 with clear four stroking. Now to get it into wood.