on a lighter note

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Feb 15, 2007
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Any one ever get a decent xmass tree of the top of a tree they were removing. I tried today on a 70' fir with out success. Thought it would be kinda neet to have it as our xmass tree. I'll try again thursday.
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depends on what you mean.....

by decent. The tops of conifers around here are asually a little too sparse. I have done it before, now I pay the $20 at home depot.
When I was growing up I found a tree with what looked like a good top for a Christmas tree. After I chopped the tree down with an axe (I was about 15 or 16), the tops very sparse from close up. I chopped off the top 7' anyway, and threw it over my shoulder to haul it back to the house. As I was skirting the horse pasture, the horses started to act nervous. They all ran away from me, and one horse got pushed up against the barbed wire fence. The mare rolled over the fence, laying it down on the ground. Fortunately none of the horses was injured. After we got the fence fixed and the dust settled I toild my parents that the tree looked a little thin, and maybe we should just go pick one up at the tree lot. They said "oh no, we're keeping this tree!" Needless to say that was the end of my Christmas tree procurement.
vte bill

When I was growing up I found a tree with what looked like a good top for a Christmas tree. After I chopped the tree down with an axe (I was about 15 or 16), the tops very sparse from close up. I chopped off the top 7' anyway, and threw it over my shoulder to haul it back to the house. As I was skirting the horse pasture, the horses started to act nervous. They all ran away from me, and one horse got pushed up against the barbed wire fence. The mare rolled over the fence, laying it down on the ground. Fortunately none of the horses was injured. After we got the fence fixed and the dust settled I toild my parents that the tree looked a little thin, and maybe we should just go pick one up at the tree lot. They said "oh no, we're keeping this tree!" Needless to say that was the end of my Christmas tree procurement.

expensive tree if you needed a fence repair and a vet! The tops look good from below but as you said OTG a charly brown when down.
Christmas Tree from he11

Before my wife and I were married her mother wanted to get a ball Christmas tree one year. So we load the thing in her father's car and bring it in the house and decorate it. In the Spring her parents plant it in the corner of their yard, where it continues to grow.
Fast forward about 10 years, we are now married and have our own house.
The tree has gotten too big for the corner of the yard, so my MIL and wife get this brainstorm that we should cut the tree down and use it for our Christmas tree. Well, there is a crotch now just above where I need to cut the tree so it will fit in our house. As I'm trying to put the tree in the stand it starts to split. Take the tree back outside, I'm literally screwing it back together with drywall screws and zip ties. The neighbor comes over and calls me a cheap SOB for buying two crappy trees and trying to make one tree out of it.
Anyway, I get the thing hobbled together and all is well until Christmas morning. I'm sitting on the floor opening my presents when the tree falls over on top of me. Now, I have to get rope and tie it off to the wall.
Every year I ask my wife he she wants to get a ball tree. Her reply usually is ":censored: "

Weird you say that about the tree growing. A buddy of mine gets pines every year. Mind you not with rootballs but just your typical christmas tree (cut bottom, no roots) After he is done with it he throws it in the basment and lets it sit all winter. Needless to say he has a nice row of pines around his house and claims that he gets about a 70% survival rate. Just plants the trunk in a few inches and waters away they take. I cant beleive it although I may try the same myself this year.
What about this then?

Todays project...Norfolk Pine 60' at the cut, another 20' above.

Tried to save the top (not!) planted about three feet in the ground when it fell...think it will grow?:chainsaw: :chainsaw:

I think that guy is pulling your chain!
Todays project...Norfolk Pine 60' at the cut, another 20' above.

Tried to save the top (not!) planted about three feet in the ground when it fell...think it will grow?:chainsaw: :chainsaw:

I think that guy is pulling your chain!

nice picture. Im trying to figure it out. Are you removing the tree or trimming the sides and topping it?
Nice Job Bermie! great pic.

Its far easier, and you get a better looking tree, if you cut one down at a tree farm or at least buy one from a shady guy selling them in a parking lot.
bermie is that you way up there about to blow out that top?

Yup, that's me!

It was a complete removal, had to cut and slog my way up through the brash, then clear a section for felling...blew out the top 20', buzz down and fell the stick. BB..that was the new 200t's christening!

The reason it looks so bad...Norfolk Pine branches are VERY weak, so the hurricanes strip off a lot of branches, then they grow one or two or three replacements at the site of the original branch...hence the bushiness lower down.
That one must have caught a funnel of wind through the hills to the right, stripping out the branches lower down and left the top intact.

The golf course (where the PGA Grand Slam of Golf was just played in October) manager told me they were getting roots in the green just below and had cut some already, so long term it would have had issues, also they were worried it might fall (one day) on the green.

They make a decent Christmas tree when they are still in a pot!

I was thinning two casuarinas nearby today and had at least one ball strike the tree!!!
Yup, that's me!

BB..that was the new 200t's christening!

I was thinning two casuarinas nearby today and had at least one ball strike the tree!!!

nice bermie! good for you. the oldest convertible ride known to man...er woman. lol

howd you like that little beast in the tree? is it all and a little more than you heard? pop that spark and baffle out, richen it up and really feel that thing go.

and with that errant golf shot, i bet you were glad you had your bucket on.

good stuff bermie. good stuff.

I upgraded to the 200t from my old second hand 020t that I have no idea how old it is and I've had it 5 years...whew what a difference! Its had about three tanks now and is settling in well, mods to follow:rock:

The ride when the top went was pretty good, plenty of time to dump the saw and brace. Picture of after attached...

Hey, did the thread starter ever get his Christmas tree ??? I'm guilty of a derail, sorry:buttkick:
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I am glad that you are pleased with the purchase! Be sure to stop by next time your in the USA. Its always good talking with fellow Arborists from differnt parts of the world.
no worries

I upgraded to the 200t from my old second hand 020t that I have no idea how old it is and I've had it 5 years...whew what a difference! Its had about three tanks now and is settling in well, mods to follow:rock:

The ride when the top went was pretty good, plenty of time to dump the saw and brace. Picture of after attached...

Hey, did the thread starter ever get his Christmas tree ??? I'm guilty of a derail, sorry:buttkick:

No derail; was a lighter thread... Merry xmass all. Im just finishing up @ work can't wait to get home...
I tried 4 times to salvage a decent top in the last week, they all were charlie browns...